The Rod Glove

Rod is one of Hudson’s Fishing Adventures Sponsors. What is a Rod Glove? It is an awesome innovative product that is designed to protect your fishing rods, and keep them from breaking or getting damaged! As an angler, sooner or later you will break a rod, or maybe you already have. It is a horrible feeling to snap the tip, or bend and eye on your favorite fishing pole, and we all know that can be really expensive to replace!

Well, they solved this problem while also adding some style to your fishing arsenal! The ‘glove’ is a long sleeve that slides down your rod, and straps onto the reel to hold it in place. It protects the eyes from being bent or damaged, and most importantly keeps the blank of the rod from being able to get weakened.

They also makes traveling with your rods much easier, because do to the smoothness on the outside of the glove, it keeps the rods eyes from being able to catch on anything while sliding them in and out of a car, boat, storage, etc. They also sell every size, color, and style you could imagine for both spinning and baitcaster!

Weather you are professional Bass fisherman, or your typical weekend angler, I would highly recommend you check Rod Glove out. They are only a few dollars…. yes, you heard that right….. A FEW DOLLARS! And they are very high quality for the price.

I have been using mine for a while now, and I really do love them. I have the standard versions for my spinning rods, and the pro series for my baitcasters. They both work great, and I use them on a weekly basis. If you want to buy yourself a brand new Rod Glove to try out, click HERE!