Hi! It’s me, Hudson! I love learning more about fish and then teaching it to you guys, so today I am going to teach you guys some fish facts! Let’s start with what freshwater fish eat. About 95% of freshwater fish eat live minnows, even some catfish! Live minnows work better than dead ones, trust me, I once went fishing with dead minnows, and didn’t catch anything, and then we tried live minnows in the same spot and got a lot of bites and I even caught a bass! I also recommend small (inch long) spinner baits, more specifically a rooster tail. I have caught probably 55% of my fish so far on rooster tails. Now let’s move on to what the biggest fish of all when it comes to freshwater fish eats. THE CATFISH usually eats (also what I recommend) chicken liver and blood doughballs or blood and cheese doughballs. Catfish are bottom eaters, which for you beginner fishermen or woman it means that catfish prefer eating dead fish off the bottom. Catfish crush the dead fish they pick off the bottom with their powerful jaws, but they do have teeth because like I said earlier on in this blog some types of catfish do eat live minnows, I should know because once my dad caught one on a rooster tail (which I earlier recommended)! I would love to continue about saltwater fish but I’m getting hungry so I’m about to eat, so see you lat- oh ya, look down to see a picture of a rooster tail! Ok, now see you later on HUDSON’S FISHING ADVENTURES!