Hudson's Fishing Adventures

DIY Fishing Boat

DIY $100 Fishing Boat

One day, I was sitting at home, kind of bored. The week before, I had done a lot of chores and work, and earned $100.00. And that’s when IT Hit Me: I WAS GOING TO BUILD A DIY $100 FISHING BOAT!
That’s right, I made a 2 part video where I show you how to make your own Fishing Boat for $100.00! And, to my surprise, it actually turned out EPIC! Maybe you want a fishing boat, but can’t afford a real one like me. Or your just looking for a fun project! Got a $100.00 burning a hole in your pocket? PERFECT! Read the text below to learn more!
DIY Fishing Boat

DIY $100 Fishing Boat

Like I mentioned above, I made a 2 part video on my YouTube channel showing you how to make the boat! In the first part, I got the supplies and built the boat! We also took it out to Canyon Lake and tested it out! In Part 2 to the video, I made some SICK UPGRADES to the boat! Then I took it to my buddy’s ranch in Bigfoot, TX! While Fishing his 25 acre private lake in the $100 Fishing Boat, I caught a bunch of Bass! And, got SOAKING wet in freezing water…. so… yeah.
Watch the videos above to learn how to build your very own boat for $100! And, of course, go out and fish with it!
If you want to check out some of my other DIY Fishing Projects, click HERE!
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