Hudson's Fishing Adventures

Rooster Tails

Rooster Tail

Hey Guys! Today I will be sharing a lure that will never let you down. I have so many of these in my tackle backpack. They’re the only lure I have fished with and never not caught fish on… A ROOSTER TAIL!

From the middle of summer to the coldest day of winter, you can always count on this simple and cheap lure. And all it is is a rooster tail! I know that most of you know what it is, but you probably do not understand how truly great this simple lure is. I have talked about rooster tails in a few other blogs, and even on my YouTube channel. Rooster Tails are almost always less than four dollars. Sometimes one can be found for under a dollar. However, I recommend buying one over a dollar, because quality ones last longer.     

Where To Buy A Rooster Tail: Walmart, Amazon, online stores, Academy, Dicks Sporting Goods, Cabela’s, Bass Pro, and even a lot of gas stations.

What A Rooster Tail Is: A Rooster Tail is a eye attached to a short metal stick, which is connected to a trouble hook. By the eye where you tie the line, there is a swivel that rotates around the metal stick. To make the swivel spin around the stick, there is a shiny blade on the end of the swivel. When casted out and retrieved, the blade spins around the metal stick and hook. Most rooster tails also have a colorful skirt of feathers around the trouble hook, to hide it and add extra color.

How To Retrieve A Rooster Tail: Simply cast it out, and right when it goes under water, give it a slight jerk. Then begin reeling it in at a medium pace (retrieve it quicker in shallow waters to prevent getting hung on the bottom).

What I Have Caught On A Rooster Tail: Blue Gill, Bass, Green Sun Fish, All other species of Sun Fish, Crappie and even Cat Fish! 

If you want to get your own Rooster Tails, click HERE to go to Bass Pro Shops’ website! That is my Bass Pro Shops’ affiliate link, so anything you purchase off their website through that link will not cost you anymore than usual. And, I get a small percentage, which helps fund this website, my YouTube Channel, my fishing adventures, and food for my pet fish!

If you want to check out my YouTube channel, click HERE. We have been making some AWESOME videos fishing on my channel lately, so make sure you SMASH that SUBSCRIBE button so you don’t miss out!

Watch the video below to see me fish and catch Bass with a Rooster Tail!


If you want to see a HUGE Fishing Adventure I just went on 65 MILES OFFSHORE, check out the video below!


Remember to checkout my YouTube channel at Hudson’s Fishing Adventures, and if you like my videos, smash that subscribe button!


That is it for today and see you guys next time on Hudson’s Fishing Adventures! Bye!

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